So the moving is coming along. We are two, possibly three, weeks out - depending on the close of the escrow. It has been such a busy last few weeks. Mr. D was right when he said that I wouldn't be sad about leaving our house... I don't have time to be sad right now.
Of course his reason for why I wouldn't be sad would be cause I would be doing the "happy dance" over getting into the new house. Now don't get me wrong, I am super excited about this new place, but I am a little more emotionally tied to our current place than Mr. D. It's just how I am. This is really only the 2nd place I can remember living, so its really no wonder that I have planted my roots rather deep.
So this moving business is tiring. I am, what they say, bone-tired. Perhaps the fact that I have been up with kids the past few nights doesn't help either.
Mr. Paul-liwog has four, count them, FOUR teeth all cut on top right now. Poor guy. He's doing better now that they have all cut through, but the last week was not fun at all.
Then there is Miss Grace. Miss Mommy's-Bed is she should be called the last few nights. She has decided that she would rather sleep in Mommy's Bed. I feel bad, but we just can't start this right now. I am still up nursing Paul at least once a night and I don't need Grace in bed with us too waking up when I have to nurse. Besides none of us sleep all that great when we're all in one bed.
Okay, maybe they all do, but Mom doesn't. And we all need Mom to get some sleep.
So back to the drama. And yes, its been drama. She has been waking up and just crying and crying and crying for Mommy's Bed. I have tried all sorts of methods to deal with this from firm discipline to cuddling with her for a while in her room to just plain ol' cry-it-out sister. Nothing has been the magic solution yet. I'm hoping that consistency will just pay off eventually for me. I hope. For all of our sakes.
So not to leave on a sour kid note - here are some adorable pics we took on a day trip back in April. Yes, I haven't been posting enough to get them up in a timely manner. But don't worry, we haven't changed that much in the past couple weeks.