It's been busy these days. I keep waiting for creativity to strike so I can share something delightful and funny, but that hasn't happened. I guess I'll settle for the mundane, "here's what we're up to" post.
Why so busy?
I don't know. It just seems everything started up at once.
Mr. D's hours went to evenings, so that means that I am on kid-duty for most of the day AND night. That keeps me moving.

We had a couple playdates this week. We welcomed in the start of fall by celebrating 100+ degree weather at the nearby water park. The kids loved it.

Me? I'm ready for fall. My tan (what there was of it to begin with) has faded. I'm ready for jeans and socks. Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I'm tired of shaving everyday and making sure my toenails are done.

On Wednesday, we had Grace's appointment with the school speech pathologist to proceed in getting her into some speech therapy. I love my little dear to pieces, but her pronunciation needs help. Fortunately at the evaluation, it was determined that it is strictly intelligibility that needs work. She doesn't seem to have any deficiencies in language development or comprehension. I didn't think so, but it is nice to hear it confirmed anyhow.
And because I felt that I wasn't busy and getting out enough, I signed up for a MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) as well as a weekly women's bible study at church. So we added those on our schedule this week. Yay for childcare at both of those events however!
And tomorrow we are heading to the fair with some friends.
Oh, and Saturday the kids and I are going shopping with my sister-in-law.
Whew! So at least I can't complain that I'm bored and lonely!