Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cookies and Cards

Baby demanded cookies today. Demanded. Stuck his little foot out against my tummy and said "give me cookies."

Specifically pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

So you know, I had to listen.

And I had to indulge. To satisfy the baby that is.

But they are whole wheat pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. You see, the whole wheat makes them okay - nevermind the sugar and chocolate.

In other happenings I finished my baby thank-you cards. The lovely women of my bible study threw me a little shower and blessed me with some adorable outfits.

I've been on a card making kick lately - not that I know what I'm doing. I wing it as I go.

The problem with being crafty is that I find myself working at night after Grace goes to bed and I stay up too late. I need to be more disciplined and get myself to bed on time. Its tough though because after spending all day with Grace, I relish my "me" time. I really know that I should be seizing any sleep I can get these last few (six!) weeks before I'm on newborn schedule again. So, now that it is 10:45pm - I guess I should heed my advice and head to bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get outta control crafty too. You just get into it and the world is quiet around you and you don't have anything else to worry about except the craft.