Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Fruitless Efforts

My dear little Grace.

My dear little girl who will not eat fruit. Will not touch it. I've snuck mashed bananas into her breakfast yogurt, but that's as close as I can get it to her. I don't suppose fruit flavored yogurt counts.

Whole fruit? Forget about it. Other than avocado - which she would eat for every meal if I let her - she won't eat other fruits. I've offered grapes, bananas, apples, strawberries to no avail... and that's just in the past two days.
I've recently become aware of how bad the situation has become. So I must spring into action and get this baby some fruit. Stat.

I've tried to be sneaky. Yesterday I took out the peanut butter to Grace's excitement. However, instead of putting it on the usual cracker, I put it on some apple pieces. She looked at the pieces, touched the peanut butter (to make sure that's what it was I suppose?), picked up the piece, put it to her mouth. "Yes!" I thought. "I did it."

Then little miss realized that it wasn't a cracker or rice cake underneath, spit it out and refused to try it again. Grr. Baby: 1. Mom: 0

Today I diced up some fresh strawberries nice and small. I asked Miss Thing if she wanted cottage cheese. Big surprise, she did. I mixed in the strawberries. I thought this might pass. She picked up her spoon, enthusiastically dug in. After one bite, she realized something wasn't right and pushed it away. Baby: 2. Mom: 0

So my next plan is to go back to basics. I'm going to go buy my almost 2-year old some baby food. Maybe this is where I went wrong. In my attempt to bypass jarred baby food altogether (which I was quite proud that I did), I don't think I put enough emphasis on the fruit. She does well with other foods, but I guess I didn't puree up enough peaches, pears, and all the other p-foods babies eat.

So I'll try it now. Hopefully that might be something new and she might be intrigued enough to give it a whirl.

She eats her other meals with gusto though.

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