So I decided today rather than moan and groan, I would have a good day, and maybe even crack a smile. So I found some things that made me smile today.
* My daughter REQUESTING a nap. She usually goes down around noon, and today she was ready for it. I was on hold with Kaiser (for 30 minutes!) about a bill I received in error, and she was sitting on my lap. She would look at me, look at the phone, and then point upstairs. I finally got off (problem resolved - yay!) and I asked her if she wanted to take a nap. She said yes and off we went. Sweet.
* Getting that bathroom cleaned afterall. Plus the master bedroom and Grace's room.
* Enjoying a plate of nachos with jalapeno cheese (leftovers from our Father's Day get-together) while watching Gilmore Girls. Yes, I will admit it. I have a problem when it comes to this show. If I am available at 2pm during the week, I'm watching ABC Family. I call it my "lunch hour" break. There's probably a group for people like me - GGA (Gilmore Girls Anonymous). We come to break the habit of watching sappy shows about mom and daughters, but instead talk about who Lorelai should have been with - Luke or Christopher and how Logan was just not good enough for Rory, and catch up on all the pop-culture references we didn't get during their speedy conversations.
* My daughter's laughter while we sprayed Toby (the dog) with the hose.

* My daughter wearing a bowl on her head. Of her own choosing, I should add. (Bad picture due to camera phone!)
* Enjoying a nice homecooked meal with Grace while watching Toby play outside. Then, Grace asking for seconds on her salad. Lately she's on a salad-kick. She would always want some of mine (we typically have a small green salad with dinner), so I started making a small one for her, and to my surprise she eats it up. All it is consists of is romaine lettuce with a little Italian dressing. Today she ate it all up and then asked for more. I didn't know that 2-year olds eat salad.
*Oh, and having the following conversation with Grace probably about 50 times today:
Grace: Da-Da? (Interpretation: Where's Dad?)
Mom: Daddy's at work.
Grace: Oh-No!
That would be the end of the conversation until something else reminded her of Da-Da and we'd go through it over again - verbatim.
So I found quite a few things to smile at today - not including the obvious ones like I have a great family with a wonderful husband; blessed beyond belief with our house and the fact I don't have to work; our health; a new baby on the way. It makes the little unplanned things of life seem so unimportant.
1 comment:
I've been having that same conversation with my daughter for well over a year now. Here vocabulary has improved greatly but she still asks every day "where's daddy." Now I just give the question right back to her and she tell me "at work" Kids are so much fun when you take the time to really enjoy them.
Glad you have a good day.
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