We definitely labored this Labor Day weekend. We spent all three days painting and painting... and painting. My poor husband who hates painting was a trooper and helped me out tremendously and little Grace was very well behaved as well which helped. It just took one incident of sticking her hand on the wet wall to learn that when Mama says, "wet, no touch" she means it. We didn't even have to discipline her for not listening - her distaste of all things dirty did the job for us - she then stayed clear of all the walls.
So we tackled the family room. I liked the color, but felt that just that room wasn't enough.
Mr. D sighed... but knew deep down I was right. Really - he knew.
We continued to the front of the attached wetbar.
But I felt that I still needed to continue the color somewhere else. The front door entry was a good spot - nevermind the challenge of painting the vaulted ceilings. Mr D pretended he could no longer hear me at this point.
Actually, to my credit, I told Mr. D that we didn't have to do it in this round of painting, but he was on a painting mission and wanted his preggie wife (and her preggie emotions) satisfied. I really would have been happy even if we didn't paint the entry.... but we he did.
So its done.... in a way. I think bringing the color to one of the walls in our dining room would really tie the downstairs together. Mr. D says I can think all I want cause he's not painting again for a good few months.
I count the weekend as a success. The computer is downstairs (which I love) - the nursery-to-be is still a mess, but I can tackle that next weekend.
It looks great Sara. I love the color. My husband's not a fan of painting either so I generally leave him out of it. Otherwise I'd never get to paint. Good work.
Sara, your house looks fantastic. That is my favorite color of brown. I have never painted any walls in my life, but when I do... that's the brown! Love, Wardeh
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