Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Quick update.

Still pregnant.
Very pregnant.
38 weeks, 5 days.

Countdown: 10 days til due date.

I've been busy getting ready for baby. The nursery is pretty much ready for him. Clothes have been washed. I'm working on packing bags for me and Grace. I would like to clean the house one more time. We'll see how that goes.

Oh, and while trying to finish this to-do list, I'm battling a cold. So hopefully I'll be able to shake that before I have to try to shake out this baby. My dear, sweet baby who is probably going to weigh 10 lbs!

So that's what's going on. Grace and I have had some fun adventures lately and I wanted to post pictures, but it just haven't made it to the top of the to-do list.

Maybe sometimes this week.

Or maybe not. Maybe I'll be having a baby!


Anonymous said...

You are getting sooo close,Praying for you and baby :)


Unknown said...

a 10 pound baby?! Good luck, Sara. Ha ha. I can't wait for another update.