Week two and everything's still a-okay on the homefront.
Mr. D is still fulfilling his role as wonder-husband/father and taking care of things while I enjoy some downtime to recover and relax.
As I just mentioned, I am actually taking it easy and trying not to fulfill the role of super-mom. Instead, I've been enjoying lazy mornings in bed that I have missed for the past two years.
Grace loves her new little brother in her sweet, slightly rough two-year old way. She loves to kiss on him and hold him, and keeps us on our toes watching out for baby Paul.
Paul is still a doll-baby. He's been such a good baby so far - doing what babies do best: eating, sleeping and dirtying diapers. He hardly cries or fusses. Now, while this all sounds like mama bragging - what it really is is mama relief. I kept telling Mr D that not all babies are a challenge, but he didn't believe me.
So that's been our house lately - pretty lazy. For example, today, Grace hung out in pjs all day; I didn't put on make-up (gasp!); and my big accomplishment was cleaning the downstairs bath and doing some laundry.
Oh, and wait: speaking of laundry - one little baby causes a whole lot more! We've yet to master diapering a baby boy without having the occasional (frequent) accident on clothes, blankets, bedsheets, etc.
Oh, and I must share some cutie-patootie pictures from Halloween. As a rule, I am not a fan of October 31st, except for the fun on dressing up. So, dress-up we did and we took Paul on his first big outing to our church Hallelujah party. He wasn't too impressed as he slept through the whole event snuggled up in my wrap.
1 comment:
What precious babies you have sara!! They are both just darling!! I'm glad to know you're taking care of yourself by resting and "by being lazy"!
Congratulations again!
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