So the house, the kids and the sickness have been keeping me from updating. As my mom used to say when I was growing up, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." Well, it's not that bad, but we have been passing the cold around the house. Well, the girls have been anyhow. Amazingly Mr. D has avoided it, as has Paul.
The house is still for sale. We are more than halfway through our 90 day listing. I think at the end of the 90 days we are going to pull it down for a while and rethink and pray about what to do. We have been going around in circles with our association and the State concerning the sad burned-out hill behind our home. We may end up investing some of our own funds into landscaping, or even more desirable, a nice block wall. If that's the case, we will definitely end up staying put for a while.
So that's the house and the sickness. The kids are good too. I think of cute and clever little stories about them to share, but then just never get around to typing them out. And they aren't so clever and cute two weeks later.
But I've got a cute one for tonight. Yes, it's actually from tonight.
So there's this show on TLC called Toddlers & Tiaras. I've never actually watched the show from start to finish, but have caught enough tidbits to get the gist. It's a beauty pageants for the diaper-wearing set. These little girls are fluffed, styled and made up with oodles of ribbons, lace, make-up, and fake hairpieces. They look like little walking and talking dolls.
There have been a few times when I shake my head as I flip past the show and wonder, "who does this to their 2 year old?"
Well, we don't go as far as the spray tans and false eyelashes around here... yet. We're just sticking to fake curls for now. Grace was super excited to go to bed like this.
I'm not sure why I feel a little guilty about rolling up my 2 year old's hair in sponge curlers. Perhaps I am subconsciously telling her that her straight hair isn't cute enough? Or are sponge curlers the gateway cosmetic and next week I am telling her to stand still until the eyelash adhesive dries? Or is this the start of a lifetime of beauty regimes aimed to improve one's appearance. Really, I think Grace's mommy over analyzes to a fault and the fact is that I just want her hair to look cute and curly for the family picture tomorrow.
Next week we'll introduce her to the eyelash curler.
I remember wearing those curlers. Although I don't remember being excited about it - they hurt. I did love how my hair looked. That was when my hair was straight. It is very possible that having my hair wrapped around those curlers as much as I did permanently changed it to curly. Either that or it's the hormones.
Sorry to hear you guys have been sick. We're battling much of the same around our house too. I'm praying for you.
We are going to need an "after" picture of those curls! See, you have fans! :)
Your fan is super pleased to see that you posted! I would have commented sooner-- but I was on vacation!
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