Well here it is June already and I have neglected updating anything online at all. Such a slacker, I know. I blame it on being six months preggie with two little kids. It's not that I have nothing interesting to share.... I just don't have the brain energy to do so. I guess posting doesn't come as easy to me as it seems to for others.
So... fast forward two months. Let's see - lots of diapers changed, naps taken, messes cleaned up, a few trips to the park, several trips to the grocery store, and lots of laundry... yup. That just about covers it.
But last week, however, we took a family vacation. Packed up the kids and headed to the mountains for the week. It sounds like we roughed it... but we didn't. We rented a cabin (house) with another family and hung out by the lake. When there are six little kids all five and under - that is the way to go. We had contemplated doing the whole camping gig, but I am so glad that idea was never fleshed out. I had enough trouble sharing a room with the four of us, and a double bed with Mr. D. Yes, a double bed. I take up a double bed all on my own these days!
I realized on this trip how much vacations have changed for us in the past few years. Mr. D and I have never been globe-trotting travelers, but we did enjoy to get away once in a while, even if it was just locally. We still enjoy going away, but the idea of coming back refreshed and renewed just doesn't work out the same anymore. There's all the packing to begin with, followed by awkward sleeping arrangements (see above), kids not on schedule, a lot of work to feed everyone and keep everyone happy.

Now don't get me wrong, we had a really nice time. We had fun on the lake, playing with the kids, hiking outside. We love hanging with our kids, but it's not the relaxing getaway it used to be. But these are what memories are made of. Right?

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