It was a beautiful day outside today. It was the kind of day that made me want to shave my legs, put on some tanner, and wear a skirt. Rather than deal with all that bother, we decided to walk down to the park instead.

Last summer I started to wonder if Grace was going to be a city girl through and through. She had no interest in the outdoors; she wouldn't walk on grass, much less play at the park. But, she's come around. Now, she is thrilled when we say we are going to go to the park and starts doing the sign for "swing" over and over. And over.
When we get to the park, she has developed a playtime routine.
First, we go to the horse. Giddy-up, giddy-up. I typically sing her the Bonanza theme-song as she trots. It's a real treat.
Next, the teeter-totter. Sorry, no pictures for this one. Dad, Mom, and Grace all teeter and totter together. I'm sure we're good entertainment for passerbys.
Then a ride on the swings. The first of many. While on the swings, we say "wheeee" over and over. It's pretty cute. 
When swinging is done, she tackles the slide. The slide requires a lot of climbing and coaxing from the folks. She'll get part way through it and then get distracted. What ever happened to the old fashioned slides? Climb up. Slide down. Now its climb, crawl, go through the tube, then slide.
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