I had a list of four items that I had misplaced, not lost, just misplaced. It has been on my mind constantly. I don't
So what items could possibly warrant such concern?
In order of least to most importance:
* Pacifier Pod
* Mittens
* Silver Bracelet
* $100 bill
Pacifier Pod:

Say what? Yes, a pacifier pod. This nifty contraption velcros to the side of a bag/purse/belt and holds a pacifier. Yes, I have a "binky baby" and it is most helpful when I can find said binky at the right time. Well, Gracie lost her paci purse a few weeks ago. That one I counted as lost, not misplaced, because she has a habit of playing with it in the car, and I had a feeling it fell out at one point. Besides which, I searched the cars and play area thoroughly. So I forked over the $7 and bought a new one Saturday. Item #1 - Solved
Poor little Gracie had lost her mittens, and didn't know where to find them. Okay, so her mom MISPLACED them. I knew I didn't lose those suckers. I checked the laundry, the stroller, Grace's dresser, even went so far as to unfold all of Grace's blankets and make sure they didn't get folded in by accident. No dice. So in my mulling it came to me yesterday to check my sweatshirt pockets because I thought about a walk we went on a few weeks ago when Grace decided she didn't want them on anymore and I pulled them off for her. Sure enough, there they were in the sweatshirt pocket. I don't know when I would have worn this sweatshirt again, so yay for not finding them until next season. Item #2 - Solved
Silver Bracelet:
Grace received this beautiful silver bracelet when she was born from some family friends. She is just now big enough to wear it, so we put it on her for church a few weeks ago. While, she may be physically big enough to wear it, she isn't mature enough. She kept pulling it off and playing with it, so we took it off and put it in her diaper bag. Yes, I know, things have a way of falling into the black hole that resides in the bottom of a diaper bag. So, we couldn't find it when we thought about it a week or so later. I searched that bag countless times. I searched the closet where the bag was. Then, a couple days ago, I went into my jewelry box to pull out some earrings. I stepped away, put on my earrings, and paused. I went back, opened up the box, and there, next to my silver hoops, was a silver bracelet. I must have scooped it up and mistook it for something of mine and tossed it in my box. Item #3 - Solved
$100 Bill:
I am not proud of the following. Mr. D's grandma gave us $100 for Christmas to get something for the family. I took the bill and put it with a Home Depot gift card we had when we went to purchase a new sink. When it turned out we didn't have to buy the sink, I put the card and money back in the envelope where I had other gift cards from Christmas. Or so I thought. Unfortunately I don't have a flash of brilliant recollection for this story. I can't find the money anywhere. I have looked through my wallet, purses (all of them - even though I know which one I was using), Mr. D's wallet, the car, the diaper bag, and all the drawers where I keep any sort of bills, coupons, etc. Alas, no money. Yet. I still have hope.
When we were first married, I collected all of our important tax paperwork and put it in a blue folder. I put this folder in a special place to keep it safe until it was time to file. At filing time the blue folder was nowhere to be found. I tore our house apart. As a new bride, I was so embarrassed. We had to get duplicates of our paperwork and it was a bit of a hassle. Two years later, I was doing some work in the kitchen and found the special place, with the blue folder. So who's to say that the money is only in a special place waiting to be found.
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