Watch her get down, watch her get down."
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dancing Machine
Watch her get down, watch her get down."
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Clothes Shopping
I had to make a few trips to Motherhood Maternity - in my opinion they have the best options and quality of clothes. Their prices are comparable to other known discount places like Target or Kohl's, but the clothes fit me better. So three trips later, I think I have a decent maternity wardrobe. I've learned to shop for the basics this time around and not fall for cute things (that will be hideous two years later) and things I may only wear for two months (anything somewhat fitted now will no longer fit by month eight or nine). So I have a couple pairs of capris that will match a handful of tops, throw in a couple dresses, and of course a pair of lounge pants and I'm good to go. I did buy a pair of shorts too - this staying at home all day forced me to it. It's been 150 degrees each day (okay, maybe only 95), but its hot and I still have the summer to get through.
I hated spending the money - I thought the second time around I would be so thrifty pulling out my old clothes and reusing them, but unless I wanted to sit around the house chasing a two-year old in long sleeves (again what was I thinking!?) and slacks, I needed to splurge.
This afternoon when I went shopping, I wised up though and brought my mom along. Thanks mom for buying one of the outfits for me. Aren't moms great! She watched my wild indian while I tried on clothes and then bought me some of them. In return all I had to do was bring dinner over.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
When Did This Happen?
Okay, so her belly is cuter. She doesn't need to rub it in.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
All Swelled Up
In fact, I wish I could have a night's sleep now like I did when I was pregnant. I haven't slept like that since. Sigh. I miss that deep-sleep that ends when my body wants it to, not because a toddler is tapping on your leg. But, I digress.
However, this is not to share that I'm Super-Preggie or anything. I would say Fortunate-Preggie is more like it.
Actually in reality, I should have been called Sausage-Preggie. Seriously, while avoiding all the above mentioned ailments, I swelled up like one of those giant Mickey Mouse balloons from Disneyland. We're talking the huge ones that might sweep a kid away if he holds onto it without parental supervision.
I just about threw a party in my office when I managed to wiggle my wedding ring off around 7 months. It had been a source of concern for weeks. I had tried ice, butter, oil, soap, lotion all without success. I would tug and tug until my finger turned red and swelled up more. Finally, one morning in the restroom while washing my hands I managed to wiggle it off and it remained off until after the blessed baby arrived.
Shoes became a distant memory to me, much like my skinny jeans - which are now a memory fading into a oblivion. I hung onto my strappy sandals until they would leave crater-sized imprints on my feet. Then I was forced to wear flip-flops. To work. That was a low point. And, flip flops I had to buy a size bigger than my typically petite size 9 feet.
So the point of my swollen tales? It has already started. I'm barely five months and I've said aidios to my wedding ring. The moment it felt tight - the bad boy found its way into my jewelry box. And after surviving these last few days of record-breaking heat, I can feel the tell-tale tingling in my feet and up my ankles. So sexy, I know.
Well at least I can wear flip flops now in my new mommy job. And I still have the size 10 ones hiding in the back.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Things That Made Me Smile
So I decided today rather than moan and groan, I would have a good day, and maybe even crack a smile. So I found some things that made me smile today.
* My daughter REQUESTING a nap. She usually goes down around noon, and today she was ready for it. I was on hold with Kaiser (for 30 minutes!) about a bill I received in error, and she was sitting on my lap. She would look at me, look at the phone, and then point upstairs. I finally got off (problem resolved - yay!) and I asked her if she wanted to take a nap. She said yes and off we went. Sweet.
* Getting that bathroom cleaned afterall. Plus the master bedroom and Grace's room.
* Enjoying a plate of nachos with jalapeno cheese (leftovers from our Father's Day get-together) while watching Gilmore Girls. Yes, I will admit it. I have a problem when it comes to this show. If I am available at 2pm during the week, I'm watching ABC Family. I call it my "lunch hour" break. There's probably a group for people like me - GGA (Gilmore Girls Anonymous). We come to break the habit of watching sappy shows about mom and daughters, but instead talk about who Lorelai should have been with - Luke or Christopher and how Logan was just not good enough for Rory, and catch up on all the pop-culture references we didn't get during their speedy conversations.
* My daughter's laughter while we sprayed Toby (the dog) with the hose.

* My daughter wearing a bowl on her head. Of her own choosing, I should add. (Bad picture due to camera phone!)
* Enjoying a nice homecooked meal with Grace while watching Toby play outside. Then, Grace asking for seconds on her salad. Lately she's on a salad-kick. She would always want some of mine (we typically have a small green salad with dinner), so I started making a small one for her, and to my surprise she eats it up. All it is consists of is romaine lettuce with a little Italian dressing. Today she ate it all up and then asked for more. I didn't know that 2-year olds eat salad.
*Oh, and having the following conversation with Grace probably about 50 times today:
Grace: Da-Da? (Interpretation: Where's Dad?)
Mom: Daddy's at work.
Grace: Oh-No!
That would be the end of the conversation until something else reminded her of Da-Da and we'd go through it over again - verbatim.
So I found quite a few things to smile at today - not including the obvious ones like I have a great family with a wonderful husband; blessed beyond belief with our house and the fact I don't have to work; our health; a new baby on the way. It makes the little unplanned things of life seem so unimportant.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gratuitous Grace Gallery
So I kept the camera nearby and captured a few of her numerous moves. Come, spend some of your day with Grace.
Potty Time... for the baby. Grace disappeared into the bathroom and I found her with her stripped down dolly on the potty.
Then she smiled for me. Thanks to Daddy for teaching her how to "smile".
Time for some art appreciation.
But wait, there's a phone call now.
Really, Mom, this is private.
And, we're done!
I couldn't resist sneaking in and getting the sleeping Grace. I risked waking the sleeping
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
No Laughing Matter
Okay, not really by salmon, but by the can containing the salmon. We're talking serious bloodshed here people.
Here's the tale of why I won't make fun on my dead fish anymore.
I'm making dinner - Cheddar Salmon Quiche - if you're interested. I open up the can of salmon. Empty salmon in the bowl. I move to throw away the open can and somehow drop the can (blaming that on pregnancy clumsiness), which had the lid partially attached to it. The jagged opening of the lid lands right on my big toe.
The gash is pretty long and deep. There's blood and me not coping well with the blood. I stood there for about 30 seconds just saying, "oh no" over and over. Actually more like, "ooooohhhhh.....noooooooo". As I watch the blood pool on my newly scrubbed kitchen floor.
I stood there long enough to attract Grace from watching Barney to come over and also say "oh no". So we're both standing there saying "oh no". Where's Mr. D when I need him? He's my logic when I have none.
Well, I wanted to get the quiche in the oven since I was already running late getting dinner started, so my answer was to take a handful of napkins and wrap them around my big toe. I continue making dinner when I realized I was still dragging blood across the floor. Not good. Answer? More napkins.
I finally get the quiche in the over and sit down to properly clean up and do something with my wound. It's okay - it was only a two band-aid emergency.
So I rescrub the kitchen floor and make up a dramatic tale to explain to Mr. D the quantity of bloody napkins in the trashcan.
And the moral: don't joke about the dead fishes.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Bye-Bye Billy
May 2005 - June 2008
Billy the Beta lived a long life - much longer than I ever thought. When we bought him to live in my office for work, I suspected he would hang around for a few months - tops. I was surprised when each Monday I would come in and there he would be swimming around.
Then he came home with me to live in my kitchen. I enjoyed his company - well, as much as you can enjoy a fish's company.
My favorite Billy story is that of his second chance at life. I cleaned his bowl one day, and not thinking, grabbed the purified water from the fridge. After I filled the bowl, dropped Billy back in, did I realize that the glass was frosty to the touch and Billy was in shock! I scooped him out and back into the warm water. He just floated without movement. Sad, I waited. He still floated. With remorse for being responsible for his demise, I scooped him and and carried him to his final resting place in the toilet. I dumped him in and went to flush. With one last look, I reached for the handle. What's that? He's swimming! It's a miracle! Billy went on to live another year with his new lease on life.
Unfortunately, Billy is no longer with us. My kitchen is a little quieter. Mr. D says we will replace him, but it won't replace the memories.
Let's pause for a moment of silence.
Great. Who's thinking salmon for dinner?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Plus, Mr. D and I have been "dating" another couple from church. We joke that getting to know another couple is like dating: when do you call, is it too soon to get together again. Fortunately, the other couple makes the same jokes - so they "get us". I don't know about other people, but it seems to be so hard to find like-humored people. I meet many like-minded people, but like-humored is different.
This is how see it: like-minded - you have fairly similar beliefs and values. Obviously, I don't have to see eye to eye with someone on everything, but having similar values and outlooks on life helps things along. Now, like-humored - we can laugh and joke about the same types of things. I can tell the story about seeing the grandma in Target who had a muffin-top, (I am not making this up), and they'll laugh at it. Or cringe like I did. As a sidenote, grandmas shouldn't be wearing low-rise jeans and short tops. Really. Actually, its not a look that flatters anyone, but I don't usually see in in the 70+ age group.
So that's the latest in our relationship life. The ups and downs of moving into new stages in life and meeting people along the way.