Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Hair-Raising Experience

Or should I say, a hair-ERASING experience.

Grace received her first haircut today. I know, she didn't have a whole lot of hair to begin with, but it was getting quite scruffy looking, and well, to coin a phrase, mulletey. (mullet-y). I couldn't let her continue to make that fashion faux-pas, so we pulled out the scissors this afternoon.

Before pictures. Show us that mullet baby!

So here's the thing that I should mention about me and using scissors. I really shouldn't be allowed to. I am left-handed, but I can't cut left-handed. Having grown up through public schools that only offered right-handed scissors, I learned to adapt to cut right handed. However, these cutting skills get me by, but I don't boast of my scissor wielding expertise. I still can't get over when I took Home Ec in jr. high, and my teacher had to help me cut the fabric straight.

So today I came out armed with sharp scissors (in my right hand) aimed at my precious little baby in her chair. Oh, and Mr. D videotaped the whole experience - that didn't help my nerves.

I go for the bangs first. I have experience cutting bangs at least - I've trimmed my own many a time.

I get through the bangs okay. Next, the back.

What I am hoping to do is even it off on the bottom and give her more of a level bob. I go for the first cut (which has to be saved for the baby book of course). Oops. According to the videotape playback the quote goes, "(nervous giggle), I think I took off too much".

So Grace's bob is a little shorter than I planned, but I have to admit, it looks much better than the scraggly mullet.

After pictures.

Not too bad, but I don't think I'll be opening up Salon Sara anytime soon however.

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