Paul is 3 months old today! It has just flown by. He's getting so big - outgrowing some of his 3-6 month sleepers already. He stretches out and they get all taut. It's sad to pack them away so quickly. He's still so good natured. He puts up with the "tough" love from Grace... for the most part. He's sleeping pretty good too - he will go a good 6 hours before waking up (usually around 2-3am) and then will go back down until about 7am - or when Grace comes in the room to wake up everyone.
Speaking of the Gracie-poo, I'm ecstatic to announce that she is day potty-trained. Big girl panties by day... and well, diapers still by night. But I am thrilled with her daytime accomplishments. I don't even have to do the hour-by-hour potty runs with her - she can come tell me, and BEFORE she goes too. As we go to the potty, she tells me "Gee dry. No poopoo, No peepee." That is her mantra. She repeats it all too often - in the store, at the park, to the cashier. She's then will show me everything that will get wet if she has an accident - she points to her pants, her shoes, her socks.... did you know even her hairbow will get wet if she goes peepee? I guess there's no holding back when she's gotta go.
That's the latest from kidsville.
And now, in no attempt to segue, I'm just going to talk about how pleased as punch I was with my last CVS shopping trip. I scored BIG time. Check this out.
Some of the items above include: 4 packages of batteries, three eyeshadows, two mascaras, 3 greeting cards, hair spray and body wash... plus more.
My total?
I'm serious. And I got $4 back in ExtraCare Bucks. Granted I did have $10 in ECB to use towards my total, but I still did some smart shopping there. Those batteries? Free baby. Now Grace's Christmas toys can actually do what they were meant to do. Her "Mommy I Can Swim Doll" can now start swimming in the bath rather then just floating.
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