But, this is what he doesn't understand. I can't find the time to play with my new "toys". The gifts he's referring to are going to take some time to figure out. I have a external hard drive to back-up our pictures on, an ice cream maker, and new bakeware - which means cleaning out my old stuff and finding room for the new stuff. I've worn the new pajamas, put on the cologne, and scuffed up my new slippers already, so its not like I put all my presents in a corner and forgot about them.
But he wants me to open up the rest and play. I think he just wants ice cream and cookies if you ask me.
But its the time factor. I can't figure out how other mammas do it. Between the kids, the house, mealtimes, and laundry - I'm pretty much busy all day. When naptime comes, I have a plethora of "Sara" activities to choose from (which include the above plus keeping up with my Bible study, emails/blogs, photo archiving, etc.).
Well hopefully by July I will have opened up my new gifts.
But... I haven't run out of time to share cute kid photos. I just can't resist.
Paul is getting so big - he weighed 15 lbs at his 2 month check-up! He's already outgrowing his 3 months clothes. He is the smiliest baby ever. He is quite the charmer.
Grace is learning to be a great big sister. She helps with Paul, sings to him, shows him his new toys, and even shares her bracelets!
1 comment:
i love your pics! those kids are adorable! rachel was 20 pounds at 6 months, but i'm pretty sure that paul is going to beat that by a couple of pounds, at least! i absoultely LOVE chubby babies!
so, i wanna see some of those videos that you've got of us on good 'ole paseo de juan! :) or maybe i don't... oh, the memories.
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