So its been six weeks. Six weeks of unpacking, rearranging, vacationing, budgeting, and planning. I'm not sure even where to begin in describing our activities ranging from my ongoing battle with the internet provider (finally resolved - approximately 12 calls later) to our crazy boat trip where we lost the entire tire from the trailer! Yes, the tire fell completely off while traveling on a major highway. In between those times we unpacked a few boxes and tried to make this house a home. Oh, and I took care of two kids who were trying to adjust.
So here it is in a nutshell.
Obviously, to begin, we moved.
The move went very smoothly. The house is great. Fortunately for my sanity, it is not a fixer-upper like our last place. Of course there are still things we want to fix and need to do still, but it is inhabitable.
A week after we moved, we took a vacation. It was preplanned - we wouldn't have picked this timing per say. However, it was great. If anyone recalls, last year we took this same trip. But this time, we stayed in the motel on the marina. 110% improvement over the skeezy motel. (which still make me shudder to think of). We had a great time on the boat with our friends and their 4 kids. Yes, we had 4 adults and 6 children (all 4 and under!).

We not only survived, but had a good time, excepting our tire blowout on Mr. D's truck along the way.

Just wait though, the aforementioned tire loss is yet to come.
We came back home. Unpacked a bit. Had company for father's day. It was just my family. I told them to ignore the boxes. They were kind enough to do so.
We unpacked some more.
Then we planned a two-day back-to-back boat trip with friends (two separate groups of friends). Day one boat trip didn't quite come to fruition - see the tire loss mentioned above.
Good news though. We did find the tire... on the opposite side of the freeway on the very far lane. It was crazy, and a story that would take me longer than I have energy to type tonight. But we did do the day two trip and had a good time.
We celebrated the 4th of July. We went to a local park with some friends from church. Snacked, danced to the band, and watched the fireworks. Grace and I enjoyed them by ourselves because we were separated due to a late potty run. It's okay, we enjoyed them nonetheless.
And I've unpacked some more. Painted. Hung draperies....
And decided that we should hold Grace's 3rd birthday party here in a couple weeks. It was going to be small-scale. (Note "going"). It was just family, but then there was that friend to ask, and that friend, oh them, oh, and their 4 kids... etc. Its okay though. I keep telling myself that. I have to because I swore up and down to Mr. D that I wouldn't be stressed so that he was comfortable with this party.
But how cute is this on the invitation (which of course had to be hand-made)
"All the fishes of the sea are celebrating that Grace is three!"
Grace is so excited for her "fish party" as she keeps saying. I can't let her down. So this weekend is party planning focused because the following Sunday is fish party day.
So that's what I've been up to. Whew, and boy am I over formatting all these pictures too!
I am so glad you're blog is back! I missed reading it. I am amazed at all you have done in the past six weeks!
These pictures are great! But I think my fav is the tireless trailer. Haha.
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