But I have a problem. I have to overcome some bad habits that I've created during these past few months. It started back when we put the house on the market. In order to keep the house looking good - I had to skip some of my heavy-duty cleaning in order to do general pick-up so frequently. Then, in the process of moving, I threw my hands in the air and gave up trying to keep things clean, and then after we moved and were still unpacking, I figured, why bother right now - what's the point?
Well the point is now that I have a dirty bathroom. I'm eeked out by my own bathroom. So I need to get my hands out the air and back on the scrub brush.
Ok, I really wasn't going to go on a diatribe on my cleanliness here, but I guess I needed to confess in order to clear the air... or should I say CLEAN the air.
But I'm working on these bad habits. I did some cleaning today in our living area. I also disposed of the pile of stuff that had been lingering in the corner for weeks. (The pre-move Sara would never let things linger for weeks.) We had a garage sale at my mom's house a couple weeks back and I brought back a box of some stuff that didn't sell, and a box of stuff I filched from my uncle, along with some random things like signs, tape and stickers. So I finally grew tired of looking at it, and cleared it out today. I gave myself a good pat on the back.
And just for fun, I'm going to share my garage sale signs that I threw out today. I had several people comment on them. I had fun with them.

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