In honor of Paul's 10-month birthday tomorrow, here's the latest on my little man.
My little happy man. He is (generally) such an easy going guy. He likes everyone. Likes to clap his hands. He says "Dada" and "Mama".

He's a big boy - not a surprise there. He is already in his 12-month clothes. He loves to eat everything that I give him. He really hasn't turned up his nose at anything yet. Loves fruit though - which is funny cause we couldn't get Grace to eat for years. He will chow down cantaloupe, watermelon, and grapes like nobody's business.

He has 8 teeth already, and I think that there might be more on the way. I think the back molars might be on the move cause I think I can spy the little marks on his upper jaw. I'm hoping that is the case as he hasn't been the best sleeper lately.

I was so proud of my man for a while there. Around 7 months or so he started sleeping most of the night through. I thought I was going to have it made in the shade as Grace had basically just started sleeping through the night at 2 years! But then.... he changed his mind and seems to be more on "let's wake up a couple times during the night and then rise up nice and early for mom!" He's ready to play usually around 6:30am. I'm not. Especially when I just was up with him at 5am.

And now, Paul-iwog is on the move. He started crawling a couple weeks ago and nothing holds him back now. Well, nothing except for his baby cage.

He typically will play in there for quite a while. But when he's done... well, he's done.

And now, I have two months to plan for his birthday party! I already have the theme picked out. But I'll leave that for another story.... oooh... the suspense.
1 comment:
These pics are super. Thanks for the update. I am going to give Paul the same treatment I give Grace and not come to any of his b-day parties. I figure I can only be fair. Ha ha.
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