I was played tonight by a 19-month old. Played like a fiddle.
It was a usual evening. We had dinner together. Dad and Grace read some books while I cleaned up the kitchen. Then I gave Grace a bath. We played, scrubbed, and then got out and into jammies ready for bed. A hug and a kiss and off to beddy-bye for Gracie-poo.
Grace was thinking otherwise.
She started crying as soon as I left her room. Not unusual. I went back in, and before I could even say "lay down", like a good trained dog, Grace flopped down in her crib, grabbed her binky and laid there.
"Night-night sweetie. I love you." I gave her a pat and went to leave.
Loud crying began. Not a normal, evening whimper. Full-blown, unhappy baby cries. I go back to pat her. She feels clammy. So I think maybe her pj's are too warm. I change her jammies - she seems happier. We try it again.
"Night-night". No go. She's crying. I stand there and rub her back. She quiets down. I think she's going to relax and go to sleep. She better - Survivor starts in 15 minutes. Well, she relaxed all right. She relaxed and dirtied her diaper.
Okay, so I try this again. I change her, pat her, love on her, and put her down.
I leave the room, and the wait a second. Wait for it - yes, the crying ensues.
I go back in. I check her. In trying to figure out what she needed, I asked her if she wanted to eat. Instant cheers.
So I get her up and take her downstairs, while muttering about how this isn't a good idea and I'm setting myself up for a bad habit.
I put her in her highchair. To her credit, she did drink a big glass of milk and ate a good portion of yogurt with cereal and a bit of toast. All while watching Survivor. I think she's rooting for Ozzy judging by her enthusiasm.
So in terms of Survivor, I realized I had been "Outwitted" and "Outplayed". She got to stay up a bit longer. (However, I do think she was truly hungry - the rumbly in her tummy gave her away when I was upstairs with her.)
However, she was not "Outlasted". I had the last laugh when she went back to bed at commercial break. The mommy-tribe had spoken.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Park Photo Fun
It was a beautiful day outside today. It was the kind of day that made me want to shave my legs, put on some tanner, and wear a skirt. Rather than deal with all that bother, we decided to walk down to the park instead.

Last summer I started to wonder if Grace was going to be a city girl through and through. She had no interest in the outdoors; she wouldn't walk on grass, much less play at the park. But, she's come around. Now, she is thrilled when we say we are going to go to the park and starts doing the sign for "swing" over and over. And over.
When we get to the park, she has developed a playtime routine.
First, we go to the horse. Giddy-up, giddy-up. I typically sing her the Bonanza theme-song as she trots. It's a real treat.
Next, the teeter-totter. Sorry, no pictures for this one. Dad, Mom, and Grace all teeter and totter together. I'm sure we're good entertainment for passerbys.
Then a ride on the swings. The first of many. While on the swings, we say "wheeee" over and over. It's pretty cute. 
When swinging is done, she tackles the slide. The slide requires a lot of climbing and coaxing from the folks. She'll get part way through it and then get distracted. What ever happened to the old fashioned slides? Climb up. Slide down. Now its climb, crawl, go through the tube, then slide.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Lost and Found
It's been a while. I've been mulling. Actually, I've been mulling for the past two weeks.
I had a list of four items that I had misplaced, not lost, just misplaced. It has been on my mind constantly. I don'tlose misplace things often, and when I do, it bothers me. Hence, the mulling.
So what items could possibly warrant such concern?
In order of least to most importance:
* Pacifier Pod
* Mittens
* Silver Bracelet
* $100 bill
Pacifier Pod:
Say what? Yes, a pacifier pod. This nifty contraption velcros to the side of a bag/purse/belt and holds a pacifier. Yes, I have a "binky baby" and it is most helpful when I can find said binky at the right time. Well, Gracie lost her paci purse a few weeks ago. That one I counted as lost, not misplaced, because she has a habit of playing with it in the car, and I had a feeling it fell out at one point. Besides which, I searched the cars and play area thoroughly. So I forked over the $7 and bought a new one Saturday. Item #1 - Solved
Poor little Gracie had lost her mittens, and didn't know where to find them. Okay, so her mom MISPLACED them. I knew I didn't lose those suckers. I checked the laundry, the stroller, Grace's dresser, even went so far as to unfold all of Grace's blankets and make sure they didn't get folded in by accident. No dice. So in my mulling it came to me yesterday to check my sweatshirt pockets because I thought about a walk we went on a few weeks ago when Grace decided she didn't want them on anymore and I pulled them off for her. Sure enough, there they were in the sweatshirt pocket. I don't know when I would have worn this sweatshirt again, so yay for not finding them until next season. Item #2 - Solved
Silver Bracelet:
Grace received this beautiful silver bracelet when she was born from some family friends. She is just now big enough to wear it, so we put it on her for church a few weeks ago. While, she may be physically big enough to wear it, she isn't mature enough. She kept pulling it off and playing with it, so we took it off and put it in her diaper bag. Yes, I know, things have a way of falling into the black hole that resides in the bottom of a diaper bag. So, we couldn't find it when we thought about it a week or so later. I searched that bag countless times. I searched the closet where the bag was. Then, a couple days ago, I went into my jewelry box to pull out some earrings. I stepped away, put on my earrings, and paused. I went back, opened up the box, and there, next to my silver hoops, was a silver bracelet. I must have scooped it up and mistook it for something of mine and tossed it in my box. Item #3 - Solved
$100 Bill:
I am not proud of the following. Mr. D's grandma gave us $100 for Christmas to get something for the family. I took the bill and put it with a Home Depot gift card we had when we went to purchase a new sink. When it turned out we didn't have to buy the sink, I put the card and money back in the envelope where I had other gift cards from Christmas. Or so I thought. Unfortunately I don't have a flash of brilliant recollection for this story. I can't find the money anywhere. I have looked through my wallet, purses (all of them - even though I know which one I was using), Mr. D's wallet, the car, the diaper bag, and all the drawers where I keep any sort of bills, coupons, etc. Alas, no money. Yet. I still have hope.
When we were first married, I collected all of our important tax paperwork and put it in a blue folder. I put this folder in a special place to keep it safe until it was time to file. At filing time the blue folder was nowhere to be found. I tore our house apart. As a new bride, I was so embarrassed. We had to get duplicates of our paperwork and it was a bit of a hassle. Two years later, I was doing some work in the kitchen and found the special place, with the blue folder. So who's to say that the money is only in a special place waiting to be found.
I had a list of four items that I had misplaced, not lost, just misplaced. It has been on my mind constantly. I don't
So what items could possibly warrant such concern?
In order of least to most importance:
* Pacifier Pod
* Mittens
* Silver Bracelet
* $100 bill
Pacifier Pod:

Say what? Yes, a pacifier pod. This nifty contraption velcros to the side of a bag/purse/belt and holds a pacifier. Yes, I have a "binky baby" and it is most helpful when I can find said binky at the right time. Well, Gracie lost her paci purse a few weeks ago. That one I counted as lost, not misplaced, because she has a habit of playing with it in the car, and I had a feeling it fell out at one point. Besides which, I searched the cars and play area thoroughly. So I forked over the $7 and bought a new one Saturday. Item #1 - Solved
Poor little Gracie had lost her mittens, and didn't know where to find them. Okay, so her mom MISPLACED them. I knew I didn't lose those suckers. I checked the laundry, the stroller, Grace's dresser, even went so far as to unfold all of Grace's blankets and make sure they didn't get folded in by accident. No dice. So in my mulling it came to me yesterday to check my sweatshirt pockets because I thought about a walk we went on a few weeks ago when Grace decided she didn't want them on anymore and I pulled them off for her. Sure enough, there they were in the sweatshirt pocket. I don't know when I would have worn this sweatshirt again, so yay for not finding them until next season. Item #2 - Solved
Silver Bracelet:
Grace received this beautiful silver bracelet when she was born from some family friends. She is just now big enough to wear it, so we put it on her for church a few weeks ago. While, she may be physically big enough to wear it, she isn't mature enough. She kept pulling it off and playing with it, so we took it off and put it in her diaper bag. Yes, I know, things have a way of falling into the black hole that resides in the bottom of a diaper bag. So, we couldn't find it when we thought about it a week or so later. I searched that bag countless times. I searched the closet where the bag was. Then, a couple days ago, I went into my jewelry box to pull out some earrings. I stepped away, put on my earrings, and paused. I went back, opened up the box, and there, next to my silver hoops, was a silver bracelet. I must have scooped it up and mistook it for something of mine and tossed it in my box. Item #3 - Solved
$100 Bill:
I am not proud of the following. Mr. D's grandma gave us $100 for Christmas to get something for the family. I took the bill and put it with a Home Depot gift card we had when we went to purchase a new sink. When it turned out we didn't have to buy the sink, I put the card and money back in the envelope where I had other gift cards from Christmas. Or so I thought. Unfortunately I don't have a flash of brilliant recollection for this story. I can't find the money anywhere. I have looked through my wallet, purses (all of them - even though I know which one I was using), Mr. D's wallet, the car, the diaper bag, and all the drawers where I keep any sort of bills, coupons, etc. Alas, no money. Yet. I still have hope.
When we were first married, I collected all of our important tax paperwork and put it in a blue folder. I put this folder in a special place to keep it safe until it was time to file. At filing time the blue folder was nowhere to be found. I tore our house apart. As a new bride, I was so embarrassed. We had to get duplicates of our paperwork and it was a bit of a hassle. Two years later, I was doing some work in the kitchen and found the special place, with the blue folder. So who's to say that the money is only in a special place waiting to be found.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Style Upgrade
I was getting ready to call Stacy and Clinton for them to tell me What Not to Wear. My wardrobe has been on a downward spriral for the past 19 months. Actually, I would put it back closer to 2 years.
When maternity clothes entered my closet, some style left. I tried hard. I tried to buy some cute tops and be a well dressed preggie. I think I managed - mostly cause I was working and had to look presentable.
Then month 9 came and shoes as I knew them left and were replaced with flip flops. It was all I could fit on my oversized, swollen feet.
Now, fortunately, I have welcomed shoes back into my closet. However, I still have a whole section of clothing I fondly call "B.C." - Before Child. I talk to them once in a while and remind them that they are loved. My dear Gap jeans. My Express slacks. My cute skirts. Sigh. All my favs from The Limited.
But things made a turn for the worse when I left work. My shreds of style I was holding onto starting to slip through my fingers. The situation became dire this past month when I was down to ONE pair of jeans. Only one. If I wasn't wearing the ONE pair - I was bumming around in the brown velour pants with the bleach stain. Lovely picture, I know.
But now I feel rejuvenated. Thanks to the revered Presidents who offer great sales, I now have TWO pairs of jeans. And a replacement pair of lounge pants for the sad brown ones. And, I added a 7 new shirts. I love the styles right now - the nice, empire shirts. Stylish while hiding the areas that are still holding on to "baby weight". I wonder at what point it ceases to be "baby weight" and I just have to say overweight. Let's say two years. I still have a few months then!
So I feel a little spruced up. I severely needed it. I knew I'd reached the low when I actually considered putting on my overalls from the late 90's. Fortunately, I managed to avoid a style-intervention by my loved ones. I was one step away from Mom Jeans!
When maternity clothes entered my closet, some style left. I tried hard. I tried to buy some cute tops and be a well dressed preggie. I think I managed - mostly cause I was working and had to look presentable.
Then month 9 came and shoes as I knew them left and were replaced with flip flops. It was all I could fit on my oversized, swollen feet.
Now, fortunately, I have welcomed shoes back into my closet. However, I still have a whole section of clothing I fondly call "B.C." - Before Child. I talk to them once in a while and remind them that they are loved. My dear Gap jeans. My Express slacks. My cute skirts. Sigh. All my favs from The Limited.
But things made a turn for the worse when I left work. My shreds of style I was holding onto starting to slip through my fingers. The situation became dire this past month when I was down to ONE pair of jeans. Only one. If I wasn't wearing the ONE pair - I was bumming around in the brown velour pants with the bleach stain. Lovely picture, I know.
But now I feel rejuvenated. Thanks to the revered Presidents who offer great sales, I now have TWO pairs of jeans. And a replacement pair of lounge pants for the sad brown ones. And, I added a 7 new shirts. I love the styles right now - the nice, empire shirts. Stylish while hiding the areas that are still holding on to "baby weight". I wonder at what point it ceases to be "baby weight" and I just have to say overweight. Let's say two years. I still have a few months then!
So I feel a little spruced up. I severely needed it. I knew I'd reached the low when I actually considered putting on my overalls from the late 90's. Fortunately, I managed to avoid a style-intervention by my loved ones. I was one step away from Mom Jeans!
Monday, February 18, 2008
My Cat
My cat.
This is an ode to my cat:
I have a cat
Without a name
The belly that's large
Is her claim to fame
My cat is odd. I got her when I was just a young gal in college. My parents agreed to let me get a cat since my dear boyfriend was leaving me when we graduated to follow his dream and move to Washington state and fight crime.
Not much time passed and the boyfriend moved back home, married the young gal, and the parents gladly said good-bye to the cat.
We never could decide on a fitting name for the cat.
We tried Dee-Dee (after Mr. D). Didn't stick.
We tried Lily (she was born on Easter). Didn't stick.
We mostly just call her Kitters now. Or, as my husband often calls her "YOUR cat". He's never forgiven her since she pooped in his bean bag - which was ages ago when she was scared in a new house.
I don't really know what to do with my cat. I like her okay, but I wouldn't use the word love. I would feel bad if something happened to her. For a little while. But I know nothing is going to happen to her. Ever. She will outlive me.
It would be easier if she was a better looking cat. Not that I'm a cat-snob. Okay, maybe I am, but she doesn't have good hygiene, and her tail lost all its fluffiness about three years ago. Now its this stringy, sad tail. It doesn't help her case.
So, what to do? I guess what we've been doing co-existing without a deep emotional connection. Like a broken relationship. Maybe we need counseling.

This is an ode to my cat:
I have a cat
Without a name
The belly that's large
Is her claim to fame
My cat is odd. I got her when I was just a young gal in college. My parents agreed to let me get a cat since my dear boyfriend was leaving me when we graduated to follow his dream and move to Washington state and fight crime.
Not much time passed and the boyfriend moved back home, married the young gal, and the parents gladly said good-bye to the cat.
We never could decide on a fitting name for the cat.
We tried Dee-Dee (after Mr. D). Didn't stick.
We tried Lily (she was born on Easter). Didn't stick.
We mostly just call her Kitters now. Or, as my husband often calls her "YOUR cat". He's never forgiven her since she pooped in his bean bag - which was ages ago when she was scared in a new house.
I don't really know what to do with my cat. I like her okay, but I wouldn't use the word love. I would feel bad if something happened to her. For a little while. But I know nothing is going to happen to her. Ever. She will outlive me.
It would be easier if she was a better looking cat. Not that I'm a cat-snob. Okay, maybe I am, but she doesn't have good hygiene, and her tail lost all its fluffiness about three years ago. Now its this stringy, sad tail. It doesn't help her case.
So, what to do? I guess what we've been doing co-existing without a deep emotional connection. Like a broken relationship. Maybe we need counseling.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Warning: Poopy Discussion
There are many things I never imagined myself doing - especially in the realm of children. I was (am) very green when it comes to babies. My impression was that they are cuddly, soft, and sweet. And of course, they did cry when they were hungry or wet. Of course. And of course there were dirty diapers to be changed. Granted, I wasn't that naive.
But I never really dreamed I would have to call down to my husband "Gracie pooped in the bathtub. (pause) Again." Yes, again. I have had to clean a dirty bathtub on more than one occasion. Didn't imagine that. Particularly when said baby had spent a total of about an hour sitting on her little potty between dinner and bathtime.
Yes, Grace thinks her potty is a great time to read books and pet the cat. She waits to do her business in the bathtub. Something is wrong with this picture.
I know she's fairly young still, but we figured that we can at least start to acquaint her with the potty now. I have heard stories about how toddlers get old enough to refuse to sit on the potty. Not my girl. She loves the potty. She'll sit on it for hours... and then poop in the bathtub.
Yes, I know I need to let go of tonight's bathtub incident, but I tell you, this was not in the agreement when I signed up. Too much baby "doody" going on in this house.
Aww man - that reminds me - Mr. D left me a dirty diaper downstairs to be rinsed out. (He's grudgingly agreed to do cloth diapers, but refuses to do rinse duty)Thanks sweetie. And the poopiness has now come full circle.
But I never really dreamed I would have to call down to my husband "Gracie pooped in the bathtub. (pause) Again." Yes, again. I have had to clean a dirty bathtub on more than one occasion. Didn't imagine that. Particularly when said baby had spent a total of about an hour sitting on her little potty between dinner and bathtime.
Yes, Grace thinks her potty is a great time to read books and pet the cat. She waits to do her business in the bathtub. Something is wrong with this picture.
I know she's fairly young still, but we figured that we can at least start to acquaint her with the potty now. I have heard stories about how toddlers get old enough to refuse to sit on the potty. Not my girl. She loves the potty. She'll sit on it for hours... and then poop in the bathtub.
Yes, I know I need to let go of tonight's bathtub incident, but I tell you, this was not in the agreement when I signed up. Too much baby "doody" going on in this house.
Aww man - that reminds me - Mr. D left me a dirty diaper downstairs to be rinsed out. (He's grudgingly agreed to do cloth diapers, but refuses to do rinse duty)Thanks sweetie. And the poopiness has now come full circle.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Operation V-Day
Happy Valentine's Day!

"Operation V-Day" is currently underway.
Mr. D. didn't have to go to work until 11am today, so we got up, got ready, and got ourselves out to breakfast. Mr. D loves breakfast, and we never go out for it, so it was a treat.
Back at the homestead, I had hidden about 15 "Dora the Explorer" valentine's cards in his car to find throughout the day. They were addressed in all sorts of ways from the romantic "My True Love" to the silly "My Baby's Daddy" (that one made me chuckle). Even Rik (the dog) sent him one.
I also left a giant cookie on his car seat. (See above). I told him he was supposed to take it to work and share, but he opted to leave it at home. He said he would share it with himself.
Tonight I'm making a nice dinner. Pork roast with mashed potatoes, mushroom stuffed zuccini, and homemade wheat rolls. Then we'll finish it off with pear cobbler.
And of course, the pinnacle of our evening. We'll spend it together, after the baby goes to bed, the lights will go down, pull up the blankets....
And watch Survivor. (what were you thinking?)
"Operation V-Day" is currently underway.
Mr. D. didn't have to go to work until 11am today, so we got up, got ready, and got ourselves out to breakfast. Mr. D loves breakfast, and we never go out for it, so it was a treat.
Back at the homestead, I had hidden about 15 "Dora the Explorer" valentine's cards in his car to find throughout the day. They were addressed in all sorts of ways from the romantic "My True Love" to the silly "My Baby's Daddy" (that one made me chuckle). Even Rik (the dog) sent him one.
I also left a giant cookie on his car seat. (See above). I told him he was supposed to take it to work and share, but he opted to leave it at home. He said he would share it with himself.
Tonight I'm making a nice dinner. Pork roast with mashed potatoes, mushroom stuffed zuccini, and homemade wheat rolls. Then we'll finish it off with pear cobbler.
And of course, the pinnacle of our evening. We'll spend it together, after the baby goes to bed, the lights will go down, pull up the blankets....
And watch Survivor. (what were you thinking?)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Fear of Flying
We are in the process of planning a journey. Three months from now, we are going to take this journey. A long journey that spans across the country. We will be taking this journey with a 21-month old.
I have never flown with a baby. I have always been the one who hopes that she's not sitting next to a baby on a flight. Now I'm the one who will be avoided.
We're flying to DC for a wedding. I'm debating what would be the best flight plan.
1) Book a flight with a stop-over - probably somewhere in Texas. Then we would break the flight in shorter increments. Also, could get a cheaper flight.
2) Book a non-stop flight - probably with Jet Blue. Just suck it up - brave the length of the flight, but with the benefit of Direct TV at our seats.
I'm leaning towards the second option, but I don't know if I can handle five hours with Grace trapped in such a confined space. Also, we're going to probably be cheap and take advantage of the fact that we don't have to buy her a seat since she's under two. According to our friends, if the flight isn't full they will usually let you have an empty seat for your little one.
I'll be praying for an unfilled flight.
So here's my plan with Grace. I'm thinking I will keep her awake for the evening leading up to our trip so she'll be so worn out she'll sleep the whole way. Maybe slip her a little Benedryl and knock her out. Yes, that sounds like an excellent plan.*
*For the sake of my parental reputation - I don't slip my child drugs or force her to stay awake for extended periods of time.
I have never flown with a baby. I have always been the one who hopes that she's not sitting next to a baby on a flight. Now I'm the one who will be avoided.
We're flying to DC for a wedding. I'm debating what would be the best flight plan.
1) Book a flight with a stop-over - probably somewhere in Texas. Then we would break the flight in shorter increments. Also, could get a cheaper flight.
2) Book a non-stop flight - probably with Jet Blue. Just suck it up - brave the length of the flight, but with the benefit of Direct TV at our seats.
I'm leaning towards the second option, but I don't know if I can handle five hours with Grace trapped in such a confined space. Also, we're going to probably be cheap and take advantage of the fact that we don't have to buy her a seat since she's under two. According to our friends, if the flight isn't full they will usually let you have an empty seat for your little one.
I'll be praying for an unfilled flight.
So here's my plan with Grace. I'm thinking I will keep her awake for the evening leading up to our trip so she'll be so worn out she'll sleep the whole way. Maybe slip her a little Benedryl and knock her out. Yes, that sounds like an excellent plan.*
*For the sake of my parental reputation - I don't slip my child drugs or force her to stay awake for extended periods of time.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Six Years Ago
Six years ago at this time, I was:
- Nervous
- Excited
- Getting my hair and nails done professionally for the first time
- Packing and repacking
- Taking pictures with my friends
Oh yeah, about to get married!
Six years ago today, Mr. D and I said "I Do" and started our new life together. Sure, it we had some hard blows early in our marriage, we had to learn a lot about each other, but it has been a great six years! Without sounding overly sentimental (which I can't avoid), I love him so much and know that God brought us together and will keep us together. As we often would say to each other, I know that I'M the lucky one.

I know he's there to laugh at my silliness, hold me when I'm hurting, help me whenever possible, and love me for me. Now, you can't beat that.
Enough with the sentimentality. When we were in our pre-marital counseling class, our pastor was talking about having common interests with your spouse and enjoying doing things together. We went around the room and the different couples shared what they like to do with each other. Things like, bike riding, hiking, movies, etc.
We get to Mr. D.
"We like to go to Disneyland, eat ice cream, people-watch, and laugh"
Yes, that was a proud moment in our relationship.
I love you Mr. D!
- Nervous
- Excited
- Getting my hair and nails done professionally for the first time
- Packing and repacking
- Taking pictures with my friends
Oh yeah, about to get married!
Six years ago today, Mr. D and I said "I Do" and started our new life together. Sure, it we had some hard blows early in our marriage, we had to learn a lot about each other, but it has been a great six years! Without sounding overly sentimental (which I can't avoid), I love him so much and know that God brought us together and will keep us together. As we often would say to each other, I know that I'M the lucky one.
I know he's there to laugh at my silliness, hold me when I'm hurting, help me whenever possible, and love me for me. Now, you can't beat that.
Enough with the sentimentality. When we were in our pre-marital counseling class, our pastor was talking about having common interests with your spouse and enjoying doing things together. We went around the room and the different couples shared what they like to do with each other. Things like, bike riding, hiking, movies, etc.
We get to Mr. D.
"We like to go to Disneyland, eat ice cream, people-watch, and laugh"
Yes, that was a proud moment in our relationship.
I love you Mr. D!
Friday, February 8, 2008
My February Table
I bought a set of candle holders around Thanksgiving last year that look great on my living room coffee table. And this year, I plan to decorate them each month according to the current holiday or season.
I've pretty much only been a decorate-at-Christmas type of gal. I have friends who have decorations for many other holidays that they pull out of big rubber storage bins, but I've never gotten on board. So here's my attempt - I'm going to start small and simple. But, the catch is, I want to do it while avoiding the "cheesiness" that comes with some of the holidays. My coffee table is right up there by the front door - I don't want to bring on the cheese too early when guests come to visit. Who these guests are, I'm not sure. But they might come.
So here's my table in honor of February. Happy Valentine's Day!

I've pretty much only been a decorate-at-Christmas type of gal. I have friends who have decorations for many other holidays that they pull out of big rubber storage bins, but I've never gotten on board. So here's my attempt - I'm going to start small and simple. But, the catch is, I want to do it while avoiding the "cheesiness" that comes with some of the holidays. My coffee table is right up there by the front door - I don't want to bring on the cheese too early when guests come to visit. Who these guests are, I'm not sure. But they might come.
So here's my table in honor of February. Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Magical Fruit
I found this recipe on my all-time favorite, makes-me-looks-like-I-know-how-to-cook, website: allrecipes.com. Love this website.
This is a great recipe. Its healthy, natural, and so easy to make.
Refried Beans Without the Refry.
If you like refried beans, this is a great find. I cut down on the salt, use half broth/half water, and use two whole jalapeno peppers in it. Yum!
I made this tonight to go with our veggie burritos. Even Grace lapped up her beans - served with avocado, of course. Hmmm. I wonder how that will work out "in the end". Okay, that was a bad potty joke. Sorry.
So, get out your crockpot and whip up some yummy beans.
This is a great recipe. Its healthy, natural, and so easy to make.
Refried Beans Without the Refry.
If you like refried beans, this is a great find. I cut down on the salt, use half broth/half water, and use two whole jalapeno peppers in it. Yum!
I made this tonight to go with our veggie burritos. Even Grace lapped up her beans - served with avocado, of course. Hmmm. I wonder how that will work out "in the end". Okay, that was a bad potty joke. Sorry.
So, get out your crockpot and whip up some yummy beans.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Snow Fun
We took a little road trip today. Mr. D was able to come home late morning and didn't have to go back to work until 4pm. So what to do? Go see the snow!
Sidenote: This is one of the things I love about living in Southern CA - one hour away from everything.

She was more comfortable on the sidewalk.

Mr. D built a snowman. It was a small, angry snowman. The troll-like creature that guards the slide of this snow-covered playground.
We had a good time. Grace got to see snow. Mr. D was reminded how cold snow can be - especially when one does not wear gloves to build snow-trolls. I had fun watching them both. My little warm-blooded family that ventured out to snow for the afternoon. I don't think we would survive it on a regular basis.

Sidenote: This is one of the things I love about living in Southern CA - one hour away from everything.
The mountains: let's see some snow
The beach: surf's up
The beach: surf's up
The desert: um, let's sit around in the dirt
So Grace got to experience her firstsnow ice. Not surprisingly, she didn't take warm up to it. (warm up, har har). We found a little playground and played there for a bit.
So Grace got to experience her first
She was more comfortable on the sidewalk.
Mr. D built a snowman. It was a small, angry snowman. The troll-like creature that guards the slide of this snow-covered playground.
We had a good time. Grace got to see snow. Mr. D was reminded how cold snow can be - especially when one does not wear gloves to build snow-trolls. I had fun watching them both. My little warm-blooded family that ventured out to snow for the afternoon. I don't think we would survive it on a regular basis.

Monday, February 4, 2008
I Love My Baby, But....
Some possible topics I tossed around for this entry included:
* Look Mom! There's poop in my socks (applicable to Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday)
* Grace: Kicking and Screaming
* Piranha Baby Strikes Again
But I didn't want to deter anyone from parenthood.
My 18-month old darling has been keeping us on our toes these past few days. She has been practicing exerting her strong little will. I tell you, I haven't experienced a bigger test of my character until raising a child. I find myself praying for patience, gentleness, and wisdom by the minute.
I also keep looking for the instruction manual, but I must have left it in the hospital!
And now, a picture tells a 1,000 words

Now, add 17 months, and then you've experienced my past weekend.
* Look Mom! There's poop in my socks (applicable to Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday)
* Grace: Kicking and Screaming
* Piranha Baby Strikes Again
But I didn't want to deter anyone from parenthood.
My 18-month old darling has been keeping us on our toes these past few days. She has been practicing exerting her strong little will. I tell you, I haven't experienced a bigger test of my character until raising a child. I find myself praying for patience, gentleness, and wisdom by the minute.
I also keep looking for the instruction manual, but I must have left it in the hospital!
And now, a picture tells a 1,000 words

Now, add 17 months, and then you've experienced my past weekend.
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