"Operation V-Day" is currently underway.
Mr. D. didn't have to go to work until 11am today, so we got up, got ready, and got ourselves out to breakfast. Mr. D loves breakfast, and we never go out for it, so it was a treat.
Back at the homestead, I had hidden about 15 "Dora the Explorer" valentine's cards in his car to find throughout the day. They were addressed in all sorts of ways from the romantic "My True Love" to the silly "My Baby's Daddy" (that one made me chuckle). Even Rik (the dog) sent him one.
I also left a giant cookie on his car seat. (See above). I told him he was supposed to take it to work and share, but he opted to leave it at home. He said he would share it with himself.
Tonight I'm making a nice dinner. Pork roast with mashed potatoes, mushroom stuffed zuccini, and homemade wheat rolls. Then we'll finish it off with pear cobbler.
And of course, the pinnacle of our evening. We'll spend it together, after the baby goes to bed, the lights will go down, pull up the blankets....
And watch Survivor. (what were you thinking?)
so, if you don't stop being the perfect wife i'm going to have to stop reading your blog... your husband must be the luckiest man alive! at least share the recipes so that we can try to impress our husbands. :) happy valentine's day!
Hardly perfect.... trust me! So don't stop reading. :) If it makes you feel any better, my rolls didn't turn out well.
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