I swear this kid has eaten more avocado in her mere 22 months here on earth than I probably have in my many more months alive. She loves them.
I can't complain. There are worse things for her to eat.
Tonight for dinner I made a baked barley dish with onions and mushrooms. It was just us girls tonight, so I dish it up and we sit down to eat. Grace wasn't too interested. She picked out the mushrooms, deeming them "ick" and played with her food.
So I thought, I could add a little cheese. Cheese usually solves most problems for both her and Mr. D.
Cheese didn't do it - besides picking out the pieces here and there.
So I thought, "Do I give up on dinner and offer something else?" Oh, but wait, Mama has another trick up her sleeve. "Grace, do you want some avocado?". Affirmative response.
So I take half an avocado, mash it up along with the barley. Bingo. She scoops in and starts eating away.
My toddler has an unique taste in cuisine.
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