Thursday, May 1, 2008

There's a Reason I Haven't Posted

So I haven't been very good at posting lately. But before you give up on me, I have some excuses. And they are good ones too.

- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Excessive trips to the restroom

Oh wait, those all sound so familiar. As if I experienced them sometime in the past couple years. Oh yes, its coming back to me.

It's a baby folks.

Yes, Mr. D and I are excited to announce that we've been blessed with an addition to our family. I'm due in late-October - putting me at almost 15 weeks right now. This first trimester has been a rough ride. But I think I have put the worse behind me... well, for now. There's always that ninth month... oh yeah, and delivery isn't exactly a party.

We're very excited. Only a few weeks before we find out if our baby will be wearing pink (which we have a lot of in boxes), or if it will be a boy who wears pink!

We're getting Grace ready for her new Big Sister role. She has a cool shirt - that's the first step.

I think she's a little concerned about the prospect - all that sharing that is in store for her.

1 comment:

Megan and John said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! yeah!! i am so excited for you guys! it seems only fair that one of my friends joins me in the drama that will be adding a second child to the mix. daniel is pretty darned excited, but we'll see what he thinks in a month or two when the baby comes... i hope that you get feeling healthy. doesn't it stink to feel like crap and have a toddler to take care of? i guess that we'd better get used to it. it's probably not going to get any easier... :) congrats again! keep us posted on the new baby!