Friday, May 30, 2008

New Beds for Everyone

We are sleeping in style around our house these days. Mr. D and I decided to splurge in the purchase of a much-needed new bed, and Gracie has been upgraded to a toddler bed.

With the onset of the new baby, we decided we should start to transition Grace out of the crib. Since she never won the World's Best Sleeper competition (actually I think she finished close to last), we figured we should get an early start. We found a listing on Craigslist for a great little bed for her, and saved ourselves a few pennies in the meantime.

The transition is definitely still in progress. We hit Grace with a double-whammy though. In getting the "big girl bed", we also told her big girls stay in the their big girl beds all night, not with Mommy and Daddy. (Plus Mommy and Daddy don't want any wet diapers yet on their new bed).

She threw a big girl fit about that for a few nights.

I think she has resigned herself that she's not getting in our fancy, smancy new bed, but she's still paying me back. I was up with her three times last night putting her back to bed. I felt like my newborn had already arrived!

So I'm tired and haven't been able to enjoy my new, giant bed. Here's Grace enjoying it for me! (And yes, she mushed the pillows all up during our photo shoot.)

Oh, by the way, in other news....


Megan and John said...

SO EXCITED ABOUT THE BOY!! i will tell you that there is something incredibly special about mothering a little boy. granted, that's the only experience that i have had, but i LOVE having my little man who looks so much like his daddy. it's really fun. perhaps we should trade children because i am absolutely TERRIFIED of having a little girl!

congrats on the toddler bed, by the way! we keep trying to move daniel over, but i just don't think that he's ready. i truly believe that he will be throwing wild parties for his teddy bears... what's your trick of getting grace to do everything so quickly????

Unknown said...

Yeah! She best be sporting that CSUF shirt! Oh and congrats about the beds too.