Friday, February 8, 2008

My February Table

I bought a set of candle holders around Thanksgiving last year that look great on my living room coffee table. And this year, I plan to decorate them each month according to the current holiday or season.

I've pretty much only been a decorate-at-Christmas type of gal. I have friends who have decorations for many other holidays that they pull out of big rubber storage bins, but I've never gotten on board. So here's my attempt - I'm going to start small and simple. But, the catch is, I want to do it while avoiding the "cheesiness" that comes with some of the holidays. My coffee table is right up there by the front door - I don't want to bring on the cheese too early when guests come to visit. Who these guests are, I'm not sure. But they might come.

So here's my table in honor of February. Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! You have a great eye!