Friday, February 15, 2008

Warning: Poopy Discussion

There are many things I never imagined myself doing - especially in the realm of children. I was (am) very green when it comes to babies. My impression was that they are cuddly, soft, and sweet. And of course, they did cry when they were hungry or wet. Of course. And of course there were dirty diapers to be changed. Granted, I wasn't that naive.

But I never really dreamed I would have to call down to my husband "Gracie pooped in the bathtub. (pause) Again." Yes, again. I have had to clean a dirty bathtub on more than one occasion. Didn't imagine that. Particularly when said baby had spent a total of about an hour sitting on her little potty between dinner and bathtime.

Yes, Grace thinks her potty is a great time to read books and pet the cat. She waits to do her business in the bathtub. Something is wrong with this picture.

I know she's fairly young still, but we figured that we can at least start to acquaint her with the potty now. I have heard stories about how toddlers get old enough to refuse to sit on the potty. Not my girl. She loves the potty. She'll sit on it for hours... and then poop in the bathtub.

Yes, I know I need to let go of tonight's bathtub incident, but I tell you, this was not in the agreement when I signed up. Too much baby "doody" going on in this house.

Aww man - that reminds me - Mr. D left me a dirty diaper downstairs to be rinsed out. (He's grudgingly agreed to do cloth diapers, but refuses to do rinse duty)Thanks sweetie. And the poopiness has now come full circle.

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