Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Morning Breakfast

We don't usually do breakfast in our house. Breakfast as in something other than cold cereal or toast. And Mr. D loves breakfast. So this morning, he hasn't been feeling 100%, so I thought I would treat him to his favorite: pancakes. When he woke up, I had eggs grilling, bacon sizzling, and made-from-scratch pancakes waiting to be made.

Since my stovetop was pretty full with the eggs and bacon, I decided to pull out my electric skillet to make the pancakes. It's a bit of a pain to pull out of my cupboard, but it does make much nicer pancakes, so I went for it.

So glad I did too.

What was sitting on my electric griddle, nestled in the back, in a bowl that was stacked on the griddle?

Only my $100 bill I lost a month or so ago.

I KNEW I didn't lose it. I had put it away in the drawer that I thought I had, but it must have somehow slipped out and fallen into the cupboard below. Onto my electric griddle. The one that I use once in a blue moon when I treat Mr. D to breakfast.

So according to Mr. D, the moral of the story is make him more pancakes.

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