Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Angel or Devil?

Grace and I need to spend some time reviewing my special purchase from last week. While babysitting today, my dear little girl didn't quite understand that the baby needed some attention too. If Grace had been a cartoon, she would have had angel Grace on one shoulder and devil Grace on the other. One minute she was dancing for the baby and the next she bit the baby's toes. Seriously. She bit her toes. What am I raising Grace Tyson around here?

I think its good for Grace to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her, but it scares me a little too. I hope she's just exhibiting only-child selfishness, and not a long-term personality flaw.

Of course, I need to remind myself she is only 18-months old. This type of behavior is to be expected. Right? right?

1 comment:

Megan and John said...

hey sara! i have been meaning to tell you that i am probably one of your favorite readers! (of your blog, that is...) i love checking others' blogs much more than i enjoy updating mine. imagine that! (and to be quite honest, your blog is much more entertaining than everyone elses-- you should be a writer!) so, keep it up!