Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Better Than Blue's Clues?

In my ongoing efforts to entertain Gracie through means other than Dora, Blue, and the gang of Backyardigans - I tried a good, old, stand by today: playdough.
Better than that, homemade playdough. Well, I don't know if its better, but cheaper, yes. Actually in the playgroup I was in last year, the leader says the homemade stuff lasts longer.

So I made a batch of playdough. Pink, for Grace, of course.

We had a fun experience with the playdough.

See, she's so smart she already figured out how to use the cutters.

Okay, so she might have had some help earlier. This is how she does the cutters.

And now, Dad's cell phone is more interesting.

A glimpse of the future! Yikes!

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