Thursday, January 24, 2008

Missing: Super Cool Cosmetics

I placed an order with THAT company on December 7th. I had received an email enticing me with $$ off if I tried their super cool, super cheap cosmetics. Eh. I'm a sucker for savings and cosmetics. I placed an order. But wait, if you spend $75 you get free shipping. I'm a sucker for free shipping. So I ordered some for me and my mom.

Mom's birthday is in January. Happy Birthday Mom. Look at me planning ahead.

So Christmas rolls around. No package arrives. I contact THAT company after Christmas. I get an email January 2nd. "We're sorry. We're reshipping. Please allow 7-10 days for arrival."

I get my credit card bill. $75 charge to THAT company.

I wait 7-10 days. No package with super cool cosmetics. Happy Birthday Mom. Your gift is in the mail. (No, I went out and got her a real gift).

January 14th. I call the customer service number and leave all my information on the voicemail.

I receive a message back from Tanya. We are shipping your order overnight via UPS. Yay! Here comes super cool cosmetics.

January 15th. UPS arrives. I open the box like a kid at Christmas. Wait. This is $75 worth of cosmetics? Hmmm. Double check the order. Over half of it is missing.

January 16th. I call my buddy Tanya back at customer service. She reviews my order. "Oh sweetie, it looks like the warehouse missed part of your order because of the way it was printed." I say thanks and hang up.

I ASSUMED that meant it was being shipped.

Today, January 24th. Still missing half of my super cool cosmetics. I called Tanya again. "Oh sweetie, I remember you. I am so glad you called. I've had your kits here on my desk but didn't know where they must have gone. I lost my sticky note. My mistake. These will go right out."

I'll believe it when I see it. My cosmetics aren't quite as super cool as they once were.

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