Sunday, January 6, 2008

This Infected House

There's a bug in the house. All the humans are healthy (mostly), but its the electronics that are failing. Within the past two weeks we have sorrowed the loss of our ice maker, smelled the sad scent of a broken heating coil in the dishwasher, and sopped up the streaming leaks from our kitchen faucet.

We have also made a trip to the recyling center with our CD player that would only grind CDs rather than play them. Our VCR no longer rewinds unless it is in the PLAY mode - so that makes rewinding a tape endless. And, I pulled the antenna out of my cell phone yesterday. I have a sneaking suspicion that simply jamming it back in probably didn't fix it. I think the brass wire was probably supposed to stay attached! I guess we'll see when I'm in the middle of a call next time.

But to top it all off, my DVD recorder has been permanently frozen in the middle of recording an episode of Gilmore Girls from Thursday. It won't respond to anything I push - stop, open/close, off. The next step to unplug it and hopefully pry out the CD. Bummer - I didn't get the whole episode recorded!

So I'm looking for a vaccination for this bug. I hope it can be stopped before it spreads too far - taking down the fridge, the washing machine, the television, and heaven forbid - my curling iron!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he vaccination is more money to buy more stuff. Ha ha. Such a bummer all that broke down.